First on Scene Training LLC
Victim Scenario Planner
Copyright © 2009 First on Scene Training LLC

This program will assist in defining how many victims and what their injuries are.

Step One is to define the type of disaster (Please chose one)

Earthquake Explosion Multiple Train/Car Collision Bus over cliff; Flood Infectious Disease
Shooting Hazmat Collapsed Structure Aircraft crash in water

Step Two is define how many victims of each category (Green=Minor,Yellow=Delayed,Red=Immediate,Black=Deceased)

All walking wounded breathing adequately, bleeding under control No life threatening injuries

Can follow simple commands breathing under 30/min radial pulse with cap refill under 2 sec

Can't follow instruction breathing over 30/min no radial pulse cap refill over 2 sec

Not breathing adequately cannot be saved or look dead

Select victim injuries type Trauma or Trauma & Medical

Select Moulage Printout Yes No

Please enter at least one victim
Please select a disaster type